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  1. #16
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
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    Hanau (Hessen)
    Hm... I'm clueless!
    Modelines won't help at all.
    This seems to be a rather specific problem, although I can't tell whats the problem right now
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  2. #17
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    command-line options

    Hi SailorSat, I am new to this forum and am working on an arcade project using Windows XP Embedded. Many thanks for your work on Soft15k, it has helped me tremendously! I am sorry I am not German-speaking, so I especially appreciate this English-language forum.

    What I am wondering about is this: is there a way to make Soft15k install resolutions automatically, with no user intervention (no GUI buttons)? Such as with command-line parameters, or through a startup file?



  3. #18
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
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    Hanau (Hessen)
    Hm... Not yet.
    But that's quite a nice idea!
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  4. #19
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    help with image/monitor

    Sorry for posting the other posts in the german section (only now seen this english section).
    Well i´ve made progresses after discussing the matter in a portuguese forum

    I´ve installed Catalyst 6.1 , last version of soft-15khz and set to 15khz, boot-up (mixed image,i thought it´s normal), and when windows starts, I started setting H-Freq and V-Freq of my monitor, until I almost almost get the image stopped, but never been able to full-stop completely the picture.
    Do you have any ideas why the image never stops completely.
    By the way, the J-Pac never lights up on XP (but if I see the picture like that it´s because it´s in the 15khz frequency right?).

    Thanks and keep up the good work.
    João Pedro

  5. #20
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    nvidia geforce 7100 gs

    i have a video card geforce 7100 gs in pci express
    can i have a video signal of 15khz with "soft15khz" ??
    danke schoen

  6. #21
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    Hi all. Thank you very much for this great piece of software.

    This prog. works great with my arcade monitor + riva tnt2. It correctly switches between the resolutions.

    I'm an AdvanceMame fan and I'm trying to use custom15khz.txt. I've copied all the resolutions I have setted with advv (I've used the format you've suggested in the faqs: not "device_video_modeline" but "modeline"), but I see that Soft15khz picks always its resolutions ignoring "custom15khz.txt". I've tried also with "remove x,y" with no success.

    Here an example of what I've done with "advmame.rc" resolutions and "custom15khz.txt":

    -Two AdvMame resolutions setted with advv and stored in "advmame.rc":
    device_video_modeline custom_304x224@59Hz 6.49999 304 336 360 416 224 234 237 264 -hsync -vsync
    device_video_modeline standard_320x240 6.9168 320 352 384 440 240 242 245 262 -hsync -vsync

    "Custom15khz.txt" resolutions "transformation":
    modeline "custom_304x224@59Hz" 6.49999 304 336 360 416 224 234 237 264 -hsync -vsync
    modeline "standard_320x240" 6.9168 320 352 384 440 240 242 245 262 -hsync -vsync

    Maybe I'm missing something!
    Geändert von SailorSat (29-10-2007 um 20:51 Uhr)

  7. #22
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
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    Hanau (Hessen)
    Hi Kernel,

    Your 320x240 will give problems for sure, because windows is hardcoded to doublescan 320 pixel resolutions, try 321 active pixels

    The "real" NeoGeo Modeline would be modeline "neogeo" 6 320 350 380 384 224 240 256 264

    But here happens the same, use 321 active pixels.

    The rest of the resolutions should work.
    At least the to do for me.

    PLEASE NOTE! You can only define up to 31 resolutions with the Detonator/ForceWare because of a buffer overrun bug, maybe thats why it won't work for you.
    Try removing ALL of the builtin resolutions.
    Geändert von SailorSat (29-10-2007 um 21:04 Uhr)
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  8. #23
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    hi everybody

    I tried to use soft15khz on my mamecab (ati radeon 7000) : it works great BUT I 've got a big problem: I use a tv with scart rgb. So I can't fix the image like on an arcade monitor.

    On my configuration, the image goes on exterior of the screen (1-2cms on each side)...but I don't know how ti fix it. I tried catalyst software to reduce the screen image, but when I do that I loose synchro.

    What I would need, is a solution like advv in advancemame, little software who permit to finely tune and calibrate screens, even scart rgb tvs by software.

    Anybody knows how to fix the problem? thank you

  9. #24
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
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    Hanau (Hessen)
    There's only one way...
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  10. #25
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    Hi SailorSat, thanks for a great program, got my arcade cab up and running thanks to you

    I've got some questions, my specs are 7600GS running the latest nvidia drives and XP sP2 btw

    1) Adding custom resultions:
    If I add the line to custom resultions15khz.txt
    Modeline "720x288 at 50" 13.88 720 742 808 888 288 290 292 313 -hsync -vsync
    I get the error Run-time error '13': Type mismatch
    Did I miss something? An empty resultions15khz.txt file works fine. 640x288 also works great.

    2) 321x256 goes out of range and gets filtered out by the j-pac. I can live with it, but curious about why?
    From the german forum, probably just a chipset problem

        ATI    NVidia    Matrox1    Matrox2
    240x240        ok    ok    N/A    N/A
    256x240        ok    ok    N/A    N/A
    256x256        error1    ok    N/A    N/A
    256x264        ok    error2    N/A    N/A
    288x240        ok    error1    N/A    N/A
    296x240        ok    error1    N/A    N/A
    304x240        ok    ok    N/A    N/A
    321x200        ok    ok    error3    N/A
    321x240        ok    ok    ok*    N/A
    321x256        ok    error1    ok*    N/A
    336x240        ok    error1    ok    N/A
    352x256        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    352x264        error1    ok    ok    N/A
    352x288        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    368x240        ok    error2    ok    N/A
    384x288        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    392x240        ok    ok    ok    error1
    401x256        ok    ok    ok*    N/A
    448x240        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    512x240        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    512x288        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    512x448        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    512x512        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    632x264        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    640x240        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    640x288        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    640x480        ok    ok    ok    N/A
    720x480        ok    ok    N/A    N/A
    800x600        ok    ok    ok    error1
    1024x768        ok    ok    error3    error3
    3) For some reason neo-geo games double every 8th (aprox) row of pixels in mameUI. Has anyone else noticed this. It's easy to see in cyberlip or any neo-geo game with horizontal scrolling. Forcing the resolution to 640x240 lessens the problem but doesn't solve it. I guess this is a mame issue more then soft15khz though.

    Geändert von Nemo[ (13-01-2008 um 23:48 Uhr)

  11. #26
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
    Registriert seit
    Hanau (Hessen)
    Zitat Zitat von Nemo[ Beitrag anzeigen
    1) Adding custom resultions:
    If I add the line to custom resultions15khz.txt
    Modeline "720x288 at 50" 13.88 720 742 808 888 288 290 292 313 -hsync -vsync
    I get the error Run-time error '13': Type mismatch
    Did I miss something? An empty resultions15khz.txt file works fine. 640x288 also works great.
    try without spaces in the resolution name, i.E. "720x288@50" should work.

    Zitat Zitat von Nemo[ Beitrag anzeigen
    2) 321x256 goes out of range and gets filtered out by the j-pac. I can live with it, but curious about why?
    I don't know for sure why that happens, does work sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't.

    Zitat Zitat von Nemo[ Beitrag anzeigen
    3) For some reason neo-geo games double every 8th (aprox) row of pixels in mameUI. Has anyone else noticed this. It's easy to see in cyberlip or any neo-geo game with horizontal scrolling. Forcing the resolution to 640x240 lessens the problem but doesn't solve it. I guess this is a mame issue more then soft15khz though.
    Thats because the neogeo has a resolution of 320x224, however it displays garbage in the leftmost 8 and rightmost 8 pixels.
    MAMEdev decided to "stretch" the center 304 pixels to 320 pixels.
    You could push ^ (or whatever the button left of 1 is on your keyboard) and cycle (with up or down) through the list until you reach something like "screen0 horizontal zoom" which should read something like 1.21. Once you found it, lower that value to 1.00, or at least something VERY near that value, and those doubles lines should disappear)
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  12. #27
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    Zitat Zitat von SailorSat Beitrag anzeigen
    try without spaces in the resolution name, i.E. "720x288@50" should work.
    Nope, didn't work.. nor did any just string or int name.
    Is there any logging switch?

    Zitat Zitat von SailorSat Beitrag anzeigen
    Thats because the neogeo has a resolution of 320x224, however it displays garbage in the leftmost 8 and rightmost 8 pixels.
    MAMEdev decided to "stretch" the center 304 pixels to 320 pixels.
    Well that makes perfect sense, mame dev removes highscore saving, all of the working none correct sets in the name of correct documentation.. and then adds zoom as default resolution

    Thanks though, it works great again.. I can't tell the difference between my neo-geo board and the computer now.. apart from the computer having cleaner sound.

  13. #28
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
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    Hanau (Hessen)
    Zitat Zitat von Nemo[ Beitrag anzeigen
    Nope, didn't work.. nor did any just string or int name.
    Is there any logging switch?
    However, try this one. It works for me.
    modeline "720x288@50" 13.88 720 742 808 888 288 290 292 313 -hsync -vsync
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  14. #29
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    Zitat Zitat von SailorSat Beitrag anzeigen
    However, try this one. It works for me.
    modeline "720x288@50" 13.88 720 742 808 888 288 290 292 313 -hsync -vsync
    Yup, that one worked great
    Here's another one for the amiga/atari users

    modeline "704x288@50" 13.50 704 722 786 864 288 290 292 313 -hsync -vsync
    Aspect is a bit off if your monitor is configured for 60hz
    Geändert von Nemo[ (15-01-2008 um 20:45 Uhr)

  15. #30
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
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    Hanau (Hessen)
    Build 37 online.
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

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