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  1. #31
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
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    Hanau (Hessen)
    Build 38 online...
    Just a small bugfix regarding decimal seperators... (I hate it! I really do!)
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  2. #32
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    I try to use Soft-15KHz on my Jetway NC81-LF mobo. CPS2 resolutions work, but neo-geo and other lower resolutions not.
    Can anybody help me? I tried some modifications in custom15khz.txt but I don't realy know what I'm doing.

    I'm using a J-pac and a Egret 2 cabinet.
    Geändert von dennis (08-07-2009 um 10:03 Uhr)

  3. #33
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
    Registriert seit
    Hanau (Hessen)
    Hi dennis,
    You might have hit a "pixelclock" limit.
    As far as I know the HD3000 series has a limitation to about 7.12MHz Pixelclock, which is too high for several low resolutions.

    Currently you might want to try the "edited" modelines I've used with my HD3450

    Remember to "uninstall" and "reinstall" Soft-15kHz after changes to custom15khz.txt

    ;Remove some "too low" resolutions
    remove 240x240
    remove 256x240
    remove 256x256
    remove 256x264
    remove 320x256
    ;ReAdd some "low" resolutions with higher pclock and (way) larger sync width
    modeline '288x240@59.885' 7.12 288 332 392 448 240 243 246 265 -hsync -vsync
    modeline '296x240@59.941' 7.12 296 338 392 448 240 243 246 264 -hsync -vsync
    modeline '304x240@59.305' 7.12 304 344 392 448 240 243 246 264 -hsync -vsync
    modeline '320x240@59.014' 7.12 320 350 392 448 240 242 245 264 -hsync -vsync
    modeline '336x240@59.749' 7.12 336 356 392 448 240 243 246 264 -hsync -vsync

    You might also want to check what resolution is the lowest you can use (with QuickRes) as this should give as a clue on your cards limit.
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  4. #34
    Registered User
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    Thanks SailorSat!
    Everything works great now! also 288x240.

    Now it's time to update my old mame set

  5. #35
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    btw, is there a change 256x224 would work? for nes/snes games?
    Geändert von dennis (08-07-2009 um 13:14 Uhr)

  6. #36
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    Unhappy Problems with Nvidia GEForce 8600GS

    I'm new to the Soft15kHz adventure, trying to put together my first Mamecab
    I have a Nvidia GeForce 8600GS. I connected the JammASD interface to its VGA output and Installed Soft15kHz (twice, on both cards seen in the SW interface). When I reboot with the PC monitor attached to the VGA output, the video signal correctly goes to 15 kHz 640x480@60Hz as requested. I am able to disconnect the monitor and plug my arcade monitor. Everything is working very well ! Thanks SailorSat !
    But if I then reboot with the arcade monitor attached, I get a black screen. Video stays off until I disconnect the arcade monitor and reconnect the PC monitor. After this I get 640x480@60 Hz at 31 kHz
    If I change resolution, it goes back to 15 kHz and it works, but only until reboot...
    Is there a way to fix this ?
    In the tested cards I see that my card should work, but it "Needs the Soft-15kHz-Dongle (or any other valid EDID source) for resolutions below 512x384." I don't understand this. Isn't 640x480@60 Hz above 512x384 ?
    Do I need the dongle ?
    I also read that it is generally better to use the DVI output of the card, not the VGA...could this be my case ? I don't have a DVI to VGA adapter here so I cannot test this now...
    Please help, I'm getting tired at this...


  7. #37
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
    Registriert seit
    Hanau (Hessen)
    Basically most new cards have their "primary" output set to the DVI port.
    As your arcade monitor doesn't get detected as a "valid" monitor, the card switches to "analog mode" that basically is VGA out on the PRIMARY port, in your case most likely the DVI port.

    The VGA port would be the secondary port.
    Your normal VGA monitor most likely gets detected and the card says "okay, only 1 monitor connected, on the secondary port". With your arcade monitor connected its like "hm... no monitors detected, switch primary port to VGA".

    As for the dongle:
    Sure 640x480 is above 512x384. You may need the dongle to get to the low resolutions, like 320x240 as NVidia may restrict the card to resolutions 512x384 and up.
    Please note: That may have changed in the meantime, as that problem was introduced by the geforce 8000 series and I guess there would be many people with that problem.

    First, get a DVI-VGA adapter, then try booting with the arcade monitor connected to the DVI port.

    Second, grab a copy of QuickRes (can be found in the downloads) and look for resolutions smaller 512x384 once you can boot with only the arcade monitor attached.
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  8. #38
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    Unhappy Problems with Nvidia GEForce 8600GS - again...

    Zitat Zitat von SailorSat Beitrag anzeigen
    Basically most new cards have their "primary" output set to the DVI port.
    As your arcade monitor doesn't get detected as a "valid" monitor, the card switches to "analog mode" that basically is VGA out on the PRIMARY port, in your case most likely the DVI port.

    The VGA port would be the secondary port.
    Your normal VGA monitor most likely gets detected and the card says "okay, only 1 monitor connected, on the secondary port". With your arcade monitor connected its like "hm... no monitors detected, switch primary port to VGA".

    As for the dongle:
    Sure 640x480 is above 512x384. You may need the dongle to get to the low resolutions, like 320x240 as NVidia may restrict the card to resolutions 512x384 and up.
    Please note: That may have changed in the meantime, as that problem was introduced by the geforce 8000 series and I guess there would be many people with that problem.

    First, get a DVI-VGA adapter, then try booting with the arcade monitor connected to the DVI port.

    Second, grab a copy of QuickRes (can be found in the downloads) and look for resolutions smaller 512x384 once you can boot with only the arcade monitor attached.
    OK, I went out and bought a DVI to VGA adapter (13,5 € ).
    I hooked up the arcade monitor to the DVI output of the video card through the adapter. Here's what I see :

    - if I boot with the arcade monitor attached, I get a blank ( screen. Video goes to 640x480@60 Hz 31 kHz if I disconnect the arcade monitor and connect the PC monitor instead.

    - if I boot with the PC monitor attached, as soon as Windows starts the video goes to 640x480@60 Hz 15 kHz and PC monitor switches off. In this condition if I connect the arcade monitor I get a very good picture. I can start MameWah and play most games with no problems. I get a good picture with 100% speed, even at low resolutions below 512x384.

    So what do you recommend now to try to fix this ?
    Yesterday I even tried to install Soft15kHz with no monitor attached, using remote desktop control from another PC, but it didn't help...
    Can you help please ?
    Many thanks,


    If needed I can post here the whole PC configuration, drivers and so on.

  9. #39
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
    Registriert seit
    Hanau (Hessen)
    Mhm... Strange
    What ForceWare are you using?
    Also, try checkout the nvidia control panel via remote desktop when booting with the arcade attached.

    I'm pretty confused the card doesn't output anything with the arcade monitor connected.
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  10. #40
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    Unhappy Problems with Nvidia GEForce 8600GS - again...

    Zitat Zitat von SailorSat Beitrag anzeigen
    Mhm... Strange
    What ForceWare are you using?
    Also, try checkout the nvidia control panel via remote desktop when booting with the arcade attached.

    I'm pretty confused the card doesn't output anything with the arcade monitor connected.
    Hi and thanks for the reply.
    Sorry, I didn't explain very well.
    If I boot with the arcade monitor attached, I get a out of sync video. If I then disconnect the arcade monitor and connect the PC monitor, I see 640x480@60 Hz 31 kHz. If I change resolution, video goes to 15 kHz and is perfectly displayed on the arcade monitor if I reconnect it. If I reboot, I get no picture on the arcade monitor.
    Here's a video I took of the boot with arcade monitor attached :

    Here when it is working :

    And here you are a couple of pictures of my current setup (still on bench) :

    I tried to access to Nvidia control panel via remote desktop but it won't work. If I click on it, the control panel won't open.
    It seems like it needs to have the PC monitor attached at least once to switch to 15 kHz. After that, it runs with no problems.
    I tried with both Nvidia Forceware version 190.38 and 178.24 (as tested on this forum) with the same results.
    I also spent some hours tweaking in Nvidia control panel, to force monitor/TV detection, but that also didn't change a thing.
    Any clue ?

    Geändert von italiandoh (13-08-2009 um 18:38 Uhr)

  11. #41
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    Unhappy Problems with Nvidia GEForce 8600GS - again...

    I spent the whole day trying to get this thing working as it should to no avail :

    - installed latest Forceware drivers
    - installed Forceware drivers that are said to be working on this forum (178.24)
    - installed latest Forceware drivers without monitor from remote desktop (installation hangs in a forever loop, but at least driver are installed)
    - re-installed latest Forceware drivers with arcade monitor attached over the previously installed ones
    - tried to force monitor detection from Nvidia control panel
    - updated Windows and all drivers to latest version

    None of the above solved the boot problem : without a PC monitor attached at least once, the card never displays a 15 kHz video after boot. It is enough to hook up a PC monitor and change resolution by launching MameWah or using quickres, then a very good 15 kHz video is displayed.
    I'm very frustrated at this point : either I am missing something/doing something wrong (please someone tells me what) or the Nvidia GeForce 8600GS PCI-E should be stated as NOT working on this forum in "Getestete Grafikkarten" thread, page 4.


  12. #42
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
    Registriert seit
    Hanau (Hessen)
    Hm... Guess you'll need the dongle after all.
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  13. #43
    Registered User
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    Problems with Nvidia GEForce 8600GS - Dongle

    Zitat Zitat von SailorSat Beitrag anzeigen
    Hm... Guess you'll need the dongle after all.
    I've sent you a private message about the dongle.


  14. #44
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    Cool Problems with Nvidia GEForce 8600GS - again...

    Zitat Zitat von SailorSat Beitrag anzeigen
    Hm... Guess you'll need the dongle after all.
    OK, while I am waiting for the EDID dongle to arrive via mail I spent some time configuring stuff and doing some other tests. I found out that if I change the screen resolution from 640x480@60 to 640x288@60 I am able to get a picture on the arcade monitor without attaching the PC monitor at startup.
    On the test bench I was using a Intervideo 14" that displayed a very good picture with 640x480@60. When I moved the stuff inside the arcade machine, the Hantarex Polo 28" displayed a horrible picture (a lot of flickering, unreadable text) so I tried to switch to a non-interlaced picture and I found out that.
    Is there anyone else who is getting a very bad picture on Hantarex Polo 28" with 640x480@60 at 15 kHz ? Is this common or could it be my monitor in need of a fix ?
    Can this be a problem related to interlaced resolutions only ?


  15. #45
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
    Registriert seit
    Hanau (Hessen)
    Can't tell for sure.
    My old Hantarex MTC 9110 worked fine, so did my Polo 25".

    On my current cab theres a Polo 16/9 33" that has problems with interlaces resolutions. But more like the fields are "switched" meaning instead of line 1-2-3-4 I see 2-1-4-3 etc.

    As for that... Well If you get a good 640x480 on your intervideo I'd take a look on your hantarex.
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

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